Bridge Community Church Membership


Words tend to take on many different meanings, and based on your experiences, the words Church and Membership can mean all sorts of different things. 

The New Testament describes the church in several metaphors: A body, a bride, and a family.  All of these speak to membership as belonging, commitment, or connection to God and others. 1 Corinthians describes the church as a single body with different, interdependent parts or members, with Jesus as the head.  This is a true picture of unity and the movement of the church (people) to accomplish the mission of God.  The church is called the Bride of Christ in Ephesians and Revelation, which speaks to the loving care and commitment Jesus has for us, and we, in turn, have for Him alone. He shapes us and makes us more like Him as we are fully committed to our covenant relationship. Finally, the church is a family, a place to experience the bond of true community centered around worshipping God. It is in this family context we work it all out-- working through challenges, growing in holiness, and learning together what it means to be followers of Jesus, fully surrendered to the will of God.   In short, membership is about true unity, commitment, and growth in our relationship with Jesus. 

This is far from a full biblical description of the church or membership, but it is a beginning point to understanding what belonging to a church is all about.  It’s accepting your place in the family of God and walking with others as you pursue the will of God for your life.  We encourage you to attend our membership classes to learn more about membership at Bridge, but if you fit the criteria listed below, we see no reason why you can’t join the church as a member today!



  1. Membership at Bridge Community Church is for Adults 18 and Over Only

  2. Every adult needs to register individually (please do not register your spouse, friends or family)